Friday, July 22, 2011

New Flowers ....

I adore flowers! I can't get enough of them. If I don't have them growing in my garden, I have photos of them as my desk top background, or my cell phone wallpaper.
 I love this season of the year when I can bring armfuls -- even those that grow wild -- into my house for inspiration. I love this little bit of phrasing from one of my vintage books - Happy Homes and the Hearts That Make Them (1889),
"Bring one of the commonest field-flowers into a room, 
place it on a table ...
and you seem to have brought a ray of sunshine into the place.
There is a cheerfulness about flowers....
They are a sweet enjoyment, 
coming as messengers from the country, and seeming to say, 
'come see where we grow and let your heart be 
glad in our presence."
I paint with fabrics, threads, and vintage elements, assembling them in layers to create fantasy flowers inspired by nature...


  1. Very pretty!!
    I foun you on the CAPS etsy site. I am following you, come by and see my blog. I lovewhat you sai about pickle berries being little sweet treasures!

  2. I like to do the same things with flowers on my cell phones wall paper!

    Just found your blog from the CAST team thread
