A - Adoring of all the special people in my life -- I count them as gifts!
B - Blessing others as I also recognize I am blessed beyond measure every day in so many ways
C - Curious - rather than judgmental
D - Dancing daily in praise to God
E - Empowering others to live one day at a time, one moment at a time, in love with life
F - Following the pattern of Jesus, learning as I go that it's okay not to be perfect!
G - Giving to others without thought of return
H - Happy intentionally - choosing how I think and respond
I - Inviting others to join me in recognizing the blessings of each day
J - Joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12)
K - Kindhearted and tender towards those less fortunate
L - Loving those who may not love in return
M - Making the most of every moment
N - Never giving up -- persevering through the tough challenges of life
O - Optimistic, believing each day is new and has something special to hold
P - Patient with others and with life itself (a continual process of learning)
Q - Quizzing - learning to ask questions and be open rather than feeling I know all the answers
R - Resting - not racing through life at full tilt. I am learning to inhale as well as exhale
S - Savoring through all my senses the gracious gifts of each day
T - Training myself to memorize for the health of my brain and spirit (scriptures are amazing!)
U - Using my gifts, talents and strengths in every way I can
V - Valuing others and their contributions to my life -- affirming them
W - Working to learn something new -- endeavoring to be a life-long learner
X - Xerox-free -- I don't want to be a copy, but the original me God created me to be
Y - Young at heart -- always wanting to grow and have a fresh outlook on life
Z - Zealous to reach out to others and be a blessing to them.
If you decide to participate in creating an ABC blog post of your own, please feel free to share the link in your comments below!